Monday, April 13, 2009

Welcome to my blog!

Hello all! I decided to start a blog on my recent and upcoming tours with Steve Kimock Crazy Engine, so that my friends, family, and anyone else who may care can see what I'm up to on my travels. And I guess even if no one cares, at least it's mildly entertaining to ME, so there. :-P

Below is a recap of my West coast tour a couple weeks ago. I wrote it all in one blast on the plane ride home to Chicago and posted it below in daily chunks. I hope to offer real-time daily updates on the upcoming East coast tour, which starts in a few days.

Any suggestions, comments, requests, etc....feel free to send 'em my way.

See you on the road!!


  1. Nice. Loved reading this!
    Marilyn DePauw

  2. Hey Cuz
    I will add this to my favorites and follow along happily!
