Wednesday, April 29, 2009

4/28/09 Georgia Theater, Athens, GA

The day started off great, with the other 2 members of FGC, Adam and Mattias, arriving in the early afternoon. We had a nice little reunion and then headed off in our stylin’ rental car to Athens.

The Georgia Theater was a pretty cool room, though a little rougher around the edges than I was expecting. It did boast the hugest ceiling fan I have ever seen, aptly branded “Big Ass Fan.” I gave FGC the tour of the bus and rounds of introductions to the band members, and then became detained with our rehearsal. We worked on “Don’t Let Go” and ran through a couple other tunes. The room had pretty decent sound, so I was looking forward to the show that night.

After rehearsal, my bandmates and I ate at a local diner recommended by Steve, with a very funny sign on the door that I couldn’t resist getting a picture of. During the outing, I pet 3 awesome dogs, bringing my new total to 12!

I made it back to the venue to catch the last half of the opener's set, Zach Deputy, who was great! The Crazy Engine hit the stage right on time according to our itinerary (I think, a first on this tour!), and we played a pretty rockin' show. I was pleased to be playing two sets full of my personal favorite tunes of the repertoire, in honor of my FGC bandmates attending the show. Melvin did not disappoint with his "Stop That Train" solo, which I've been gushing about, and Johnny was on fire for the entire show. Steve of course caused plenty of drool from Adam (FGC guitarist) with his usual pristine tone and licks.

After the show, I hung out a bit more with FGC before the bus rolled out to Birmingham. All in all, probably one of my favorite days of the tour thus far!

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