Friday, April 3, 2009

4/3/09 Aladdin Theater, Portland, OR

We didn’t have to get too early of a start to Portland, but the drive still seemed to take forever, with the usual many stops and a roundabout route to avoid roads closed due to snow, but it was a pretty drive. We arrived in Portland to find that our soundcheck was pushed back even more than its usual delay so I had a few moments to catch my breath at the hotel.

The venue was very impressive and a definite step up from the previous few nights, but its bigness made for a slightly boomy sound on stage, which is never good for bass. We were a bit rushed for time after soundcheck, so I ate a light dinner of a cheese sandwich and cereal in the green room, and got to hang a bit with another old friend, Steve, who I hadn’t seen for about 8 years and was in town for the show.

The show went fairly well, but the bigness of sound made it a bit frustrating to be connected and adventurous with the improvised sections.

I did one of my signature ending jumps at the end of the show, and during the usual end-of-show introductions, Steve announced: “On electric bass and leaps....Janis Wallin.” The crowd went crazy! I better work on my moves for the upcoming shows!

After the show, I was absolutely starving, so one of my local musician buddies, Asher, took Steve and me to a latenight diner. They ordered the vegan falafel sandwich (adding bacon…blasphemy!) and I opted for a souped up grilled cheese sandwich before recalling that I had already had several incarnations of bread and cheese that day (leftover pizza for breakfast, cold cheese sandwich for dinner). Oh well, it was good and I enjoyed hanging with Steve and Asher.

Thanks to Joe Malnar for the photo!

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