Thursday, April 16, 2009

"The bus came by, and I got on. That's when it all began."

"The bus came by, and I got on. That's when it all began." - Grateful Dead

I woke up today at the ungodly hour of 7am to depart from Pennsylvania for the first show of the tour in Burlington VT. I dragged myself out of bed and looked out the window of my hotel room to find the sweet tour bus in the parking lot. I was running on just a few hours of sleep, but jumped into gear to go check out my new digs.

The bus is cozy and cushy, with a lounge and kitchen in the front, bunks in the middle, and a smaller lounge in the back. My first task was choosing my bunk, which is a serious decision for such a prissy sleeper like me. I grabbed a top bunk, later to be changed to a different top bunk after tossing and turning through Melvin's snoring across from me for the first few hours of the ride. (Thanks Chris!) While a slight upgrade in comfort from the back bench seat in the FGC van, the bunk is nonetheless a bit claustrophic and is a lot more wiggly of a ride than the van. But I managed to score a few hours of much needed sleep.

We arrived at the venue 8 hours later, where I currently await soundcheck while the crew sets up all the gear. Steve just brought me some kick-ass Baklava so now my hands are too sticky to type any more. Stay tuned for reports on the show a little bit later tonight.

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